3 years later

3 years later

I’ve been reading back the last blog posts to see where I’d got up to in early 2019. A heck of a lot has happened since then including being seriously ill which has left me permanently disabled. In my last posts in February 2019 I mentioned my RHS members scheme seeds; all the seedlings died while I was in hospital. We’ve sold our house, obviously including the garden, which had become a complete mess and had been neglected for most of two years. It has been traumatic and I still miss my old garden despite the problems with it – it was the only garden I’ve ever owned and I put a lot of work and love into it. I still walk past it once a week which is strange and difficult.

We’re now in a rental and I brought nearly all my plants that were in pots, including the Pawlonia which the movers refused to move so my husband and son did it. Also in the year or two before moving I dug up my wedding lily of the valley and put them in pots so I still have them.

The garden in the rental is completely different. There is a gardener who comes for one afternoon a fortnight to mow the lawn and do a bit of pruning but I’m not allowed to do anything which is very frustrating! There is a large south facing patio that I’ve got some pots on – my nerines loved it. I’m still trying to get used to what can go where in an aspect that is rotated 90°.

I wrote that on 1st March this year, I guess with a random burst of energy and enthusiasm which, as often happens, quickly fizzled out. At the same time, if I recall correctly, I ordered my allowance from the RHS members’ seed scheme. The seeds remain unsown; I just couldn’t summon up the energy to bother when I cannot make any long term plans for them. I guess that was just as well as we had to move house again in the summer and move all my pots to yet another rental. I have nothing left to contribute to this blog as I have no idea whether I will ever get to be a gardener again. I still grieve for my former life and I envy everyone who has a lovely garden. I’ve recently been taking alternative routes to avoid walking past my old front garden after seeing how many plants the new owners have removed. It was definitely the right thing to take as many as I could with me, I wish I had been able to take more. I’m very glad that I kept this blog as a detailed record of all the plant varieties I chose in case I get to create a garden in the future. Who knows where and who knows when.

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